Dear Mighty Women,
Please hear my desire and commitment for this beautiful, wonderful community of women at NWBC.
I am watchful to pursue, hunt down and snuff out any threat to reaching hurting and lost women, connecting authentically with each other, and maturing in our understanding of the only truth.
My hope is to foster a place that re-hydrates any woman thirsty for the cold water of eternal forgiveness, real community and rich study. Join with me in this commitment not to just be a place to meet and complain about housework and ohh-ahh over outfits and centerpieces, but instead...let’s do more here, and let’s go further and deeper.
So who are we?
We’re NOT all mothers. But among those who are, some of us work outside the home, others stay home full time. Our kids are home-schooled public schooled, and private schooled.
We are not all wives. But among those who are, some of us are newlyweds, some have been married for decades. Some of us are divorced. Some of us are widowed.
Some of us are mothers, but not wives and others are wives but not mothers.
Some of us are single. Some of us are dating, and some, engaged.
We are a myriad of seasons and experiences, weaving together a beautiful tapestry bearing the image of a Sovereign God who passionately loves every thread.
And though we are different, we are still radically alike...we all need Jesus. He is our ONLY road to honest spirituality. He is our way, truth, and life, and we will filter all we do here through that sacred truth.
We will pray together. We will share stories of wisdom with one another. We will wrestle with some questions that don’t have one-paragraph or one-verse answers.
We will bring meals to each other. We will drop off clothes for new babies. We will keep our eyes open wide to the issues for women in our surrounding community where we can make space for Jesus and his truth. We will be challenged. We will listen to each other. We will worship. We will agree. We will disagree. We will intercede for our each other…prayerfully and physically. We will weep with one another. We will rejoice with with one another. We will give. We will serve. We will make a difference.
We will study the bible…really study…we will not study on a “shallow water” level, but instead we will wade out from the shoreline into “deep-water” of scripture…over our heads. And then…WE WILL SWIM…through its beautifully thick and meaty parts...holding hands as we go, we will push one another along when we are strong, holding each other up…and we will let ourselves be carried by one another when we are weak. But, know this, mighty women…we will find reward there, because it is promised to those who seek Him. We will find and fix our eyes on Jesus as He defines and perfects our faith in the deep waters of His truth, and we will do this alongside one another, inviting others to join us as we go.
We are smart. We are brave. We offer strategic leadership, wisdom, counsel and teaching to, our families, this church body and the community that surrounds it.
We will seek together what the world cannot give us. We will be a place of “rest” from the world – its values, its entertainment, its priorities, its focus. We will un-apologetically disturb the complacency of this world to its creator. We will not blend in or back down because the world calls us fools.
We will be a community of women, gathered together to live with purpose, to sharpen, challenge, love and inspire one another to then scatter back out to our homes, and our personal communities bearing the image Jesus…the only truth.
We are strong women…We are mighty women. We are God’s women, called with a purpose, abiding in his grace and truth, and designed for his glory.
I look forward to the unraveling ~
Pursue ~ Gather ~ Equip